ASRL July 2024 Update

ASRL July 2024 Update

Hey ASRL Members,

Hope you’re all doing great! Here’s what’s included in this update:

  1. Annual Report and AGM Details
  2. Join the AGM Online
  3. Agenda and Minutes Update
  4. 2024 Aussies U19 Male and Female Finals Videos
  5. Ocean Thunder Update
  6. Upcoming Events Announcements
  7. Sweeps Camp Registration
  8. Facebook Page Alert

Annual Report and AGM Details:

Our Annual Report is ready for endorsement at the AGM. You can check out the soft copy here or on our website. Life members will get hard copies. A huge thank you to Edwina Wright for the amazing job she did on the Annual Report.

AGM is happening on Saturday July 6th at Tugun Surf Life Saving Club starting at 11am. We’ll have Q&A after, and online folks can ask questions via chat. Plus, snacks after the meeting!Join the AGM Online:

Hop on Google Meet Link to join us online.Agenda and Minutes:

To view the agenda for this weekend, click here.

To view the previous AGM Minutes, click here

Update: Donna Hargreaves has withdrawn her nomination for the event portfolio, however will join the ASRL Event team in a non-voting capacity to support the running of our events this coming Season. Donna will be a great addition to our event team, bringing strong skills that will complement the existing team, she will also provide further support to the committee in other areas.

2024 Australian Surf Life Saving Championships – U19 Finals:

Huge thanks to SLSA for assisting with the videos, and shoutout to Adam Crane from Salt Diaries. Stay tuned for more great content this season!

YouTube player
2024 Australian Surf Life Saving Championships, U19s Male Surf Boat Final
YouTube player
2024 Australian Surf Life Saving Championships, U19s Female Surf Boat Final

Ocean Thunder Update:

We’re working with SLSA to make Ocean Thunder even better based on feedback from our senior rowers and sweeps at the ASRL Open earlier this year. Stay tuned

Upcoming Events:

Keep an eye out for announcements on venues for SLSA NTSE, Short Course Aussies, ASRL Mixed Championships, and ASRL Open. We’ll share more details soon!

Sweeps Camp Registration:

Seats for the Sweeps Camp are filling up fast! For just $75, you get a 2-day sweep camp with surf training, talks, food, accommodation, and a ride back to the airport. Sign up here

Facebook Page Alert:

Our Facebook page is currently inaccessible due to a hack. Please do not respond to any messages or click on any links until further notice.

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